
The project (2019 - ongoing) explores the interplay between human and nature’s continuous processes in natural systems. Human interventions act as an opposing stream with various levels of significance, while nature increases the entropy. This creates a tension between order and chaos that arises on the surfaces of our surroundings. It is paradoxical that from an anthropocentric view, nature strives for chaos, while exactly human is the one who often creates it.

But, if we step back far enough and look at the world on a large enough temporal scale, human activities become tiny and insignificant.

The photographs were mostly taken at anonymous locations, various non-places that contain different in-between objects. They were made with an ephemeral mindset, in which, for example, a hundred-year-old abandoned ruin, doesn’t differ much from a newly built house - a new future ruin. This work applies different levels of subtleness, in an attempt to observe and illustrate the world as a still, or a temporal temporal state in a process which goes far beyond our comprehension.